Corporate Social Responsibility
At Cyrus Group, we strongly believe in the principles of Corporate Responsibility - of achieving success in ways that honor ethical values and respect people, communities, and the natural environment. Equal to protecting the health and safety of our employees, we consider environmental stewardship among our most important business responsibilities.
Actions to protect our employees and preserve the environment for those who follow are based on more than a moral impulse; initiatives such as these helps ensure the short-and long-term viability of our company. Working in harmony with the environment and supporting those in our communities that need support provides our stakeholders with a real sense of Cyrus Group's values.

Environmental Sustainability
Where possible, Cyrus Group ensures that the materials used in their manufacturing processes are environmentally sustainable. Reducing the carbon footprint is something we must all now consider as a part of combating climate change.
The management and division of Cyrus Engineering have taken the initiative to upcycle and re purpose the industrial scrap materials like steel/ oil drums, wooden pallets, tyres and other materials used in the operations.
We have created more than 100 pieces of home décor and pet beds that is budget friendly and contributes to decreasing industrial waste in the UAE. We employ civic engagement to encourage a paradigm shift in the way people view their household objects, items and consumer choices by bringing the environment into the equation and designing unique and beautiful items to show that being environmentally conscious does not always have to mean being boring!

United Nations Global Compact Network
In August 2021, Cyrus Group joined the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. As a participant, Cyrus Group proudly supports and commits to making ten principles of the UN Global Compact with respect to Human Rights, Labor, Environment, and Anti-Corruption as a part of our corporate strategy, culture, and day to day operations.
Following the 10 principles, Cyrus Group is continually improving the way it operates implementing responsible best practices and developing innovative solutions to support and achieve UN Sustainable Development Goals.
1.Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights;
2. Make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
3.Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
4. The elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
5. The effective abolition of child labour;
6. The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
7.Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
8.Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility;
9.Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
10.Business should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

Ethics & Governance
Cyrus Group does not engage in and does not tolerate corruption in any form (including bribery, facilitation payment, kickback, extortion, misuse of authority for personal gain, undue benefits, or gifts with the intent to influence), whether in the private or public sector on any scale. We maintain this view, even if our commitment to this policy places Cyrus Group in a non-competitive business position, or if speaking up against such activity results in Cyrus Group losing business. Throughout our entire value chain, within our social patronage, charity, and sponsorship fields, we are committed to a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to corruption & bribery.
Fraud, including the falsification of records of financial or non-financial information, money laundering and insider dealing are prohibited.
Cyrus Group does not engage in and does not tolerate corruption in any form, whether in the private or public sector on any scale.
It is our collective responsibility to create and maintain a company culture throughout the entire value chain that encourages people to take action when bribery, corruption or fraud is suspected or observed, without fear and in an environment that does not tolerate retribution. Cyrus Group operates an anti-corruption and anti-fraud processes which aims to reduce the risk of fraud and highlight prohibited behaviour.
Corruption is the wrongful use of influence to procure a benefit for the actor or for another person.
Corruption includes:
* Offering, promising, giving or soliciting anything of value or favor to government officials, private individuals or third parties with regards to their relations to officials or decision makers in order to unlawfully influence them to gain a business advantage (active bribery).
* Unlawfully asking, demanding, accepting or receiving anything of value or favor to provide an advantage in any form in return or as a condition of fulfilling duties or influencing a third party to do so (passive bribery).
Indirect bribery includes contributions to intermediaries such as scholarship funds, charitable donations or payments to entities providing the corrupted party with a direct or indirect benefit. Indirect bribery can include an intermediary third party (e.g. agent, broker, distributor or representative) committing any of the aforementioned wrongful acts on behalf of or for the benefit of Cyrus Group.
Corruption also covers the misuse of function or position by pretending to unduly influence someone and by this deception request or receive unlawful advantage or accept a promise of such an advantage.
Cyrus Group does not tolerate corruption in any form. We are committed not to enter into or to terminate business relations with anyone engaged in corrupt practices. Nobody shall suffer demotion, penalty or other negative consequences for refusing to pay or accept bribes even if it may result in the loss of business.
Breaching anti-corruption laws is a serious offence. Companies breaching these laws may be punished by fines and individuals may also face imprisonment. Companies may be liable for corrupt practices or for an associated person’s bribery by third parties if such bribery is intended to obtain or retain business advantage for the company.
We undertake due diligence when appointing agents, advisers or other intermediaries. All agreements with agents, advisers and other intermediaries require prior approval and we shall advise every intermediary on our position on condemning corruption.
We conduct procurement processes in a fair and transparent way. We undertake due diligence, as appropriate, in evaluating suppliers, contractors and sub-contractors to ensure that they have effective anti-bribery commitments and policies.
Even turning a blind eye to suspicions of corruption can result in liability for the company and for you personally.